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What are some useful IELTS Reading Hacks 2022?

What are some useful IELTS Reading Hacks 2022?

What Are Some Helpful IELTS Reading Hacks 2022?

Reading is an essential module while you think to do IELTS. As there are two different types of reading for academics and general training students. Academics readings contain three long paragraphs having different types of questions. All the para defines the various information of science, history, technology, etc. Unlike, academics general reading comes with short paragraphs which are based on real-life scenarios like advertising, ticket booking, hotel booking, and many more.

Students mostly find the reading module as the toughest part of the whole IELTS. As for the vocabulary, the passages used are a bit high in range. So, the question is how to tackle this problem.

Let's check out some useful IELTS Reading Tips which would help you to get 8 bands in IELTS Reading

  • Start reading anything in English it can be your favorite novel, newspaper, magazines in short read whatever which you find quite interesting as it does not make you get bored. Give at least 15 to 20minutes to reading.
  • Reading on daily basis would help you to improve vocabulary and make your grip strong on skim and scan strategy.
  • Let’s start with the strategy we have mentioned before “Skim and Scan” this is one of the most helpful techniques which helps to manage the time in the reading module as we only get 60 minutes to solve 3 passages and 40 questions along. So, to use this strategy you need to analyze the text in the given passage as early as possible and try to make a brief scenario and sense of the topic. One more thing you can try is to mark the important words such as dates, years, time, and days as it would help you later to find the answers more quickly.
  • The next strategy that came to my mind while thinking about reading content is “Marking the keywords”. Everyone provides a suggestion to mark the keywords from the questions themselves and then try to find the same in the given text in that passage. But here they all go wrong. Keywords are the words that are used to make a rough sense of any paragraph or a sentence but these do not ensure you about the exact location of your answer.
  • As we discussed, keywords do not help us in finding the answers to the questions that we are looking for quickly. So let’s first understand the actual solution behind this problem, which is learning to include and apply “synonyms”. The text we read in questions is actually the paraphrasing of the text. Paraphrasing means making the same sense of the text but by using different words. And here your actual vocabulary test will start. So, start learning at least five new words daily to improve your vocabulary.
  • Some students find it extremely difficult to manage their time. No doubt it is not an easy job to solve 40 questions in 60 minutes. As we all know Practice makes a man perfect, So by practicing some little steps you can find the solution to the whole task within 50 minutes. Firstly, figure out the type of questions in which you are superior and solve the same question type from all 3 passages. You might feel filling in the blanks easier so do solve all fill-ups.
  • Last but not least, students find more difficulty in the “TrueFalse Not given” question type. So, to solve these types of questions you have to make your focus a little higher as its answers locate in a single word. Try to figure out some special words which help you find the answer quickly such as synonyms for “True” opposite words for “False” and for the “Not Given” you can simply relate the information with the question and calculate the proportion of relevancy over if 100 % relates then it is true if even 1% is missing or totally missing then it would be not given.

We think we have covered almost every aspect of IELTS reading tasks for you in this article, If still, you have any queries or suggestions regarding this topic, Feel free to mention it in the comments section. We will surely include it in our coming articles and give you proper credits for the same. 


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